Caron Navigator (BDGF Scheme)
The BDGF (Beef Data and Genomics) Programme was introduced to improve genetics in the national beef herd. Enhancing the gentic merit of beef animals has various benefits such as more efficent and productive bee animals with lower carbon footprint.
The BDGF’s Carbon Navigator was introduced by Bord Bia and Teagasc to assess the potential environmental gains that can be made on farm. As one of the aims of the BDGF Scheme is to reduce Green House Gases (GHGs) especially Carbon, the Carbon Navigator is a useful tool in monitoring carbon emissions produced on farm and consequently is a requirement of the BDGF Scheme.
Although entry into Carbon Navigator is now closed, an annual update for exisiting members of the scheme must be submitted in paper form or online through ICBF (Irish Cattle Breeding Federation). This service is provided for by OCAE Consultants.